什么是二贷? 一般来说,大家买房子只需要自己存下来的钱 (down payment) 和一家银行的贷款(一贷)。但最近银行贷款逐渐收紧,有不少想买房的人从银行申请不到足够的贷款。而随着房价近几年快速增长(虽然近几月房市有些冷却),也有些人想从房子里套出更多钱去应急。此时,第二贷款(二贷)成为一个选项。 当考虑借二贷的时候,需要知道一些什么基本法律知识呢? 二贷与一贷的区别 [...]
人们有了一些积蓄后,就开始考虑如何规划自己的财产去造福下一代。立遗嘱是保证自己所爱的人(父母,伴侣,和孩子等) 减少麻烦的好办法. 当夫妻两人同时考虑把夫妻·遗嘱写好时,您需要知道些什么法律知识呢?夫妻遗嘱是夫妻间确保资产在一方去世后平稳过渡的重要法律文件。丁律师为您讲解夫妻遗嘱的用途、优势,以及如何保护家庭资产。 一 夫妻遗嘱 [...]
您看中一套满意的二手房,并准备购买了。在买卖交易的过程中,您需要知道哪些法律知识来保护自己呢? 一 土地规划法 (S. 50 of the Planning Act) 您的房子买卖需要遵守土地规则法 (Planning Act) 的第50条。如果这个交易不遵守这项条款,就算您买的房子已经过户了,政府也可以决定您没有房子的所有权。 [...]
What are Joint Wills between Spouses?
Introduction Often, married spouses would want to make their Wills together. What are the key points they should keep in mind when doing so? Mirror vs. Mutual Wills In a Mirror Will, an [...]
Is a second, third, or subsequent mortgage right for you?
Say you want to purchase a property but the first mortgage amount is insufficient. Or perhaps your less-than-ideal credits disqualify you from getting bank mortgages. Maybe you need some urgent [...]
Do I Really Need a Will?
Many people are unaware of the major benefits of making a Will, or the difference between buying a standard Will template as opposed to working closely with a lawyer to draft a tailored Will that [...]
Thinking of starting a business? Which business structure is right for you?
If you are thinking of starting your own full time or side business, it’s very important to select the most suitable business structure from the beginning. There are many business vehicles that [...]
So just what is involved in a resale home purchase?
Buying a resale property—one already owned by someone else—offers unique advantages, but it also comes with specific legal considerations. Unlike purchasing from a builder, a resale home [...]